How does sensory analysis work?
In the sensory organs, sensory receptors are subject to a high number of stimuli. This is the origin of aroma, taste, noise detection by humans. Sensory analysis aims at defining product organoleptic features correlated to receptors responses.
Why do we use sensory evaluation?
Sensory analysis for Quality Control
Quality Control is important to certify conformity of raw materials, products during production process or final products. Sensory evaluation is intended to determine if products are consistent with sensory specifications or not.
Sensory evaluation for Research & Development
Industrial companies keep proposing new formulations and recipes to satisfy consumer desires. Sensory analysis is an unavoidable step to ensure that those new products meet consumer expectations and also to be sure of their products positioning compared to competitors ones, or even verify aroma stability or product shelf life.
Alpha MOS is specialized in sensory metrology solutions, to guarantee quality measurement of smell, taste and visual aspect of products.