Meet Alpha MOS at the AIFST24


We are pleased to announce that Alpha MOS will be exhibiting for the first time at AIFST24, the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology's annual convention, taking place on August 6-7 in Sydney, Australia.

AIFST, established in 1967, serves as a vital platform for professionals across the food industry spectrum, from food science and technology to innovation, regulatory affairs, and beyond.

AIFST24 promises a robust technical program and unparalleled networking opportunities, making it a must-attend event for food and beverage industry professionals. We are eager to connect with attendees and showcase our cutting-edge solutions that enhance product quality and consumer satisfaction.

Join us at AIFST24 to explore how Alpha MOS is pioneering advancements in sensory analysis and quality assurance for the food industry. We look forward to engaging with industry leaders, exchanging insights, and forging valuable partnerships.

See you in Sydney on booth 5!


我们很高兴地宣布,Alpha MOS 将首次参展于8 月 6 日至 7 日在澳大利亚悉尼举行的 AIFST24(澳大利亚食品科技学会年会)。

AIFST 成立于 1967 年,是食品行业从食品科学与技术到创新、监管事务等各领域专业人士的重要平台。

AIFST24 将提供丰富的技术项目和无与伦比的交流机会,是食品和饮料行业专业人士不可错过的盛会。我们热切希望与参会者交流,并展示我们的尖端解决方案,以提高产品质量和消费者满意度。

欢迎参加 AIFST24,了解 Alpha MOS 在食品行业的感官分析和质量保证领域的相关应用研究。我们期待与各行业的领导者接触,交流见解,并建立有价值的合作伙伴关系。

我们在 5号展位,欢迎您的莅临!