Success of the Capital Increase Subscription of Alpha MOS

Capital Increase Subscription


ALPHA MOS announces the launch of its capital increase subscription in the amount of € 5,321,991.60 which is over the target of 5M. This is showing that Alpha MOS is making investors confident in its future.

About Alpha MOS:

Alpha MOS (Euronext Paris ISIN: FR0000062804-ALM), specialized in electronic sensing systems, positions as the world leader in the design and development of instruments dedicated to odor, taste and visual aspect (color and shape) analysis.

Founded in 1993, Alpha MOS is a global company headquartered in France with two subsidiaries in China and the United States. It manages a network of more than 30 distributors throughout the world.

Alpha MOS continually invests in R&D to meet the needs of the markets and innovates to develop consumer sensory analysis markets.

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ALPHA MOS宣布其增资认购额达到5,321,991.60欧元,成功超过其原定目标500万欧元。 这表明投资者对Alpha MOS的未来充满信心。

关于Alpha MOS:

Alpha MOS(巴黎证券交易所股票代码:FR0000062804-ALM),专注于电子传感系统,在设计和开发用于嗅觉,味觉和视觉(颜色和形状)分析仪器上,在世界处于领先地位。

Alpha MOS成立于1993年,是一家全球公司,总部设在法国,在中国和美国拥有两家子公司,并在全世界拥有30多家经销商。

Alpha MOS不断在研发上投入大量资金开发创新性产品以满足市场需求。
